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A mosaic of members holding signs about voting

Check Your Voter Registration Status

Have you moved, changed your name, or you’re just not sure of the status of your voter registration? You can check it here.

Take Action

Rights and Protections for All Working Families

Millions of undocumented immigrants, who are vital to our economic recovery, still live in fear because of our outdated and inhumane immigration system. It’s time to put an end to this injustice. Tell your senators to pass a budget that includes a broad pathway to citizenship.

Make a Call

Support the Strike

Our Mine Workers (UMWA) union family is on strike against management at Warrior Met Coal. Add your name to say you support their fight for a fair contract.

Lend Your Support

Virtual Labor Heroes Celebration 2021

Given the COVID pandemic and undeniable sacrifices made by Union members on the frontlines, the Hudson Valley Area Labor Federation decided to honor our Labor Heroes in a new way this year. To appropriately recognize their important work, rather than give individual awards, we decided to applaud every Union affiliate, and its members for their individual sacrifices in support of the common good. We know that every worker stepped up when the Hudson Valley needed it the most, and braved the uncertainty of this virus with grace, dedication, and care for our communities. Whether working remotely or directly, these are the people who went above and beyond to provide essential services in every industry. We can never thank them enough.

Clicking the button titled "Event Video" will take you to a YouTube video featuring a recording of our February 26th, 2021 Labor Heroes Event. Enjoy!

Event Video

First Friday (Sept.): Front-Line Workers and COVID-19

Join AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka for a conversation with union members who are serving on the front lines as we battle COVID-19. From teaching our kids to caring for the sick to serving our communities, these workers will share their personal journeys and discuss why we need to pass the HEROES Act to protect and support those on the job.


Film Talk Series -John Lewis: Good Trouble

Please Join EVP Daniel McCormack and the events committee for coffee and conversation on Saturday August 22, at 9:30AM. The Film talk for this meeting will be based on the movie "John Lewis: Good Trouble". Like a book club, we will watch the movie in advance.You can rent the film online through a variety of digital movie services. register in advance.


From Protest to Power

Join us for an online discussion on how to transform the raw energy generated from recent protests into building long lasting worker and community power.

Rob Pinto (CWA)
Sochie Nnaemeka (WFP)
Jessica Wisneski (CANY)
Quintin Cross (Hudson-Catskill Housing Coalition)
Manna Jo Greene, Hudson River Clearwater
Ashwini Sukthankar (AFL-CIO)
